The non-profit organisation Friends of Bladins is open to anyone who wants to support the school. Founded by parents and students in 1997, our goal is to support Bladins by providing extra equipment or sponsoring activities so the children and students get the most from their time at the school.
Some examples of activities that Friends of Bladins have sponsored in the last few years:
- Playground equipment
- Outdoor lighting
- Furnishings and books for the libraries
- Information events regarding bullying
- Scholarships for graduating students at Bladins Gymnasium
- Leavers Dinner/Events for MYP 4/5 and Year 9
We also sell clothes with the Bladins Logo.
Become a member
There are three levels of memberships:
Member: 300 SEK / family / academic year
Gold Sponsor: 500 SEK / family / academic year
Platinum Sponsor: 1000 SEK / family / academic year
All members receive a 10% discount on the branded clothing
bankgiro 5159-8340 or SWISH 1234 945952
Please remember to indicate your name and e-mailadress, unless you want to contribute anonymously.
You are also welcome to make further donations to Friends of Bladins. All donations will be used to benefit the school and our students.
Contact Friends of Bladins