Organisation and responsibilities
Bladins is a school consisting of four educational forms; preschool, Swedish Compulsory School, international school (IB), and upper secondary school.
Bladins is a foundation. A foundation is a legal entity and has, as opposed to associations and companies, no members or owners. The foundation is a non-profit-making organization and any profit will go straight back into the school. The Board is the Foundation’s highest decision-making body. The foundation is supervised by Länsstyrelsen i Skåne Län (The County Administrative Board).
Responsible for schools’ long-term strategic planning and development:
- decides the long-term strategy plan
- ultimately responsible for the Bladins Foundation accounts
- decides the budget
- school premises
- hiring the school director
School Management
Responsible for the daily operation of the school, for example:
- school organization
- pedagogical activities
- student care
- staff
Parents’ Association (PA)
The Parents’ Association is a non-profit organization. There is only one Parents’ Association for all of Bladins. The association is divided into two sections, where the Swedish section (SvFF) is representing parents of children in the Swedish Pre-school, Swedish Compulsory School, Upper Secondary School and the After School department and the International Section (ISPA) is representing parents of children in the International School. The Chair of the Parents’ Association rotates every year between the two sections.
The responsibility of the PA is:
- to elect the Board at the Annual General Meeting once per academic year
- to promote the school through various support activities (for example class activities, family festival etc.)
Nomination Committee
Consists of four members (two parents from the Swedish section and two parents from the International section), whose mandate is to propose a new Board for the next fiscal year at the PA’s annual meeting in May.
Friends of Bladins
Friends Of Bladins is a non-profit organization with the goal to support the school by providing extra equipment or sponsoring activities in different ways to benefit our students. Anyone can be a member of Friends of Bladins by paying the annual fee.