MAP Growth
At BISM, together with thousands of other international schools worldwide, we use the diagnostic test, Measures of Academic Progress (MAP), to measure student progress, to track their development over time, both throughout the school year and across multiple years.
Currently, tests are conducted in reading, language usage, and mathematics once in the autumn term and once in the spring term. It provides insights into each student’s performance relative to their year group internationally, and offers strategies to support them in different subject areas while setting learning goals.
MAP Growth provides data around the typical growth for students who are in the same grade, are testing in the same subject, and have the same starting achievement level. This data is often used to help students set goals and understand how much they need to learn to achieve their goals. Principals and administrators can also use the scores to see the performance and progress of a grade level, school, and regions. Teachers use the scores combined with summative and formative assessment tasks to develop classroom-level strategies for equitable instruction that help maximize every student’s learning potential.
Since we started with the diagnostic MAP testing in 2022, the individual student growth factor has increased exponentially. This has played an important part in the incredible achievements of our 2024 graduating cohort. Their combined average merit score (meritvärde) of 290.8, is one of the highest in Sweden!
MAP growth